Twitter Clone

For this exercise, we will be building a clone of Twitter:


This will put into practice everything we have learned so far about HTML & CSS. The below image shows level of detail you should replicate from Twitter:

twitter clone


  1. Fork this repository to your account.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine
  3. Open a Pull Request back to the upstream repo


  • Use the HTML elements you've learned about so far to define the page content
  • Use an external CSS stylesheet to style the page
  • Use CSS Grid for the layout and components
  • You should start without images and then add them later at the end of the exercise once the basic criteria has been met


  • Breakdown the page into sections
  • Pay attention to alignment and spacing
  • Work section by section until it looks good

Assesment Criteria

  • ☑ Layout the main page elements (left-hand menu, tweet feed and right side-bar) using CSS Grid. CSS Grid should also be used to layout individual tweets.
  • ☑ Define the page contents using HTML with appropriate elements. HTML should be well formatted.
  • ☑ Style the page using a mixture of Type, ID and Class CSS selector types
  • ☑ Implement hover and selected state for the left-hand menu links.

Extension Criteria

  • ☑ Make the layout responsive so that the side-bars are removed on lower resolution devices
  • ☑ Include images using the img and svg tags.
    • Get the source for the icon images from the Twitter website as SVG and include them with svg tags
    • Use a local file for the profile image. Research how to use CSS to to make the profile image appear as a circle