Cohort Manager

___|       |                |     \  |                                   ___ \   _ \___ \ ___ \  
|      _ \  __ \   _ \   __| __|  |\/ |  _` | __ \   _` |  _` |  _ \  __|    ) | |   |  ) |   ) |
|     (   | | | | (   | |    |    |   | (   | |   | (   | (   |  __/ |      __/  |   | __/   __/  
\____|\___/ _| |_|\___/ _|   \__| _|  _|\__,_|_|  _|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|    _____|\___/_____|_____|
Method Input Data Scenario Outputs
createCohort() cohort@arr Create a cohort with a cohort name True
searchCohort() cohort@arr Search for a cohort by cohort name cohort@arr
cohort@arr Returns the Cohort Does not exist when an invalid Cohort is inputted into the search Cohort does not exist
addStudent() student@obj { studentId:1, firstName:'John', lastName:'Terry', githubUser:'JT26', email:'' } Add a student to a specific cohort True
deleteCohort() cohort@arr Remove a cohort by cohort name True
cohort@arr When a user attempts to remove a cohort, but the cohort does not exist, return error Unable to Delete Cohort, Cohort does not exist
removeStudent() cohort@arr, student@obj { studentId:15, firstName:'Alan', lastName:'Jordan', githubUser:'AJ990', email:'' } remove a student by name from a specific cohort True
cohort@arr, student@obj { studentId:15, firstName:'Alan', lastName:'Jordan', githubUser:'AJ990', email:'' } When a user attempts to remove a student, but the student is not found in the cohort, return error Unable to Delete Student, Student not Found
cohort@arr, student@obj { studentId:15, firstName:'Alan', lastName:'Jordan', githubUser:'AJ990', email:'' } When a user attempts to remove a student, but the cohort does not exist, return error Unable to Delete Student, Cohort not found


  1. Fork this repository to your GitHub account
  2. Clone your forked repository to your machine
  3. Change directory into the project.
  4. Install the project dependencies
$ npm ci


You should be able to run this in your JS console (using your node REPL, or browser console). For any assumptions made, represent this in your domain model.

NB This is a TDD challenge - evidence your work by committing for each passing test and its source code.

Acceptance Criteria


The Cohort Manager should be able to support the following interactions

- Create a cohort with a cohort name
- Search for a cohort by cohort name
- Add student to a specific cohort
- Remove a cohort by cohort name
- Remove student from a specific cohort
- Throw errors if student or cohort not found

A cohort should have a list of students. Each student should have a studentID, first name, last name, github username, email.


- Search for student by student ID
- Cohorts have fixed capacity at 24 students. Adding students is not possible beyond the 24 limit.
- Cohorts can't have the same name, and can't exist without a name
- The same student can't exist in multiple cohorts.
- A student can't be removed from a cohort if it wasn't present in the first place.
- Search for students by name (first and last) and return all matching results

Your program should be composed of at least two classes


- Send a text message to yourself whenever a student is successfully added or removed to a cohort


You can run all the test manually whenever you want:

$ npm test

This will run two sets of tests.

Linter Tests

Using npm test will first run a set of tests that make sure your code satisfies specific stylistic rules - make sure you resolve these problems as you go.

You can also run the linter manually whenever you want and autocorrect where it's possible:

npx eslint src --fix

Functional Tests

The second set of tests that will run are functional. They test the behaviour of the programs you write.

You can also run the tests manually whenever you want

npx jasmine # run all the tests
# or
npx jasmine spec/path/to/specfile # run a set of tests in a spec file