
License: MIT

starter-theme-object is a Theme Object starter project for DNN Platform (formerly known as DotNetNuke) made by and for the DNN Community.


Installation Option #1

Clone this repo into a clean directory of your choice.

git clone .

Installation Option #2

Use dnn-cli, which is available as an npm package. dnn-cli it can be installed via yarn or npm.

Install dnn-cli...

...via yarn:

yarn global add @dnncommunity/dnn-cli

...via npm:

npm install -g @dnncommunity/dnn-cli

Once dnn-cli is installed, this starter project can be installed into an empty directory of your choice.

cd <directory path>
dnn theme-object


  1. Install DNN in a .\Website folder (root of directory in which this project is cloned)
  2. Open solution file in Visual Studio 2019 (Run as Adminstrator...)
  3. Build in Debug or Release mode


By default this will compile the project and deploy it to the .\Website folder.

  • DLL and PDB files will be deployed to .\Website\bin
  • All other relevant files will be deployed to .\Website\DesktopModules\ThemeObjects\starter-theme-object


By default this will create a theme object install package and place in .\Website\Install\Skin so it will be in Available Extensions within DNN (SETTINGS > Extensions > Available Extensions).


To implement the theme object within a theme, the following two items are required.

  1. Register the theme object at the top of the desired ASCX file within the theme.
<%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="my_theme_object" Src="~/DesktopModules/ThemeObjects/starter-theme-object/my_theme_object.ascx" %>
  1. Utilize the following theme object code within the same ASCX file for which the above was registered.
<dnn:my_theme_object id="myThemeObject1" runat="server" />


Pull requests are welcome. Please open an issue first to document the bug or enhancement details.


License: MIT