
🌀 FIG – Client app using the Giphy API for trending & search. Create a daily story of GIFs that match your mood.

Primary LanguageSwift

FIG – iOS Client using the Giphy API

🌀 FIG – Client app using the Giphy API (http://giphy.com) for trending & search. Create a daily story of GIFs that match your mood.

alt text alt text


  • iOS 9.0
  • XCode 8
  • Swift 3
  • Cocoapods

Run the app

Install dependencies via Cocoapods (http://cocoapods.org):

$ pod install

Open GiphyClient.xcworkspace, and run the app! 😎


  • Trending GIFs 📈
  • Search GIF by term 🔍
  • Caching GIFs for fast access 🏃
  • Post Gifs + text to your daily story 🌞
  • Local persistence of your story 🌊

Implemented this app in MVC, using a Model to handle retrieving JSON for trending and search queries. Images are loaded async as needed, and cached in the model. Upon creating a post, Realm (https://realm.io) handles persistent storage & retrieval of today's posts, in descending order by date, like a story in Snapchat or Messenger.

Future Considerations:

  • Paging search results is more memory efficient (currently loads 500 GIFs fairly quickly) 📃
  • Error handling 🐞
  • Unit-testing 🤓
  • Consider MVVM / ReactiveCocoa for larger projects
  • Design for icons, animations, etc.
