
Manage you project Routes. Create nested routes. Simply navigation without context to your pages. Change only one sub widget in your page when navigating to new route.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Qlevar Router (QR)

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// Define your routes
class AppRoutes{
  static String homePage ='Home Page';
  static String userPage ='User Page';
  final routes =<QRouteBase>[
    QRoute(name: homePage, path:'/', page:(c)=> HomePage()),
    QRoute(name: userPage, path:'/user/:userId', page:(c)=> UserPage()),

// Create your app
      routerDelegate: QR.router(AppRoutes().routes),
      routeInformationParser: QR.routeParser())

// from anywhere in your code navigate to new page with
QR.toName(AppRoutes.userPage, param:{'userId':2});
// or


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Qlevar router is flutter package to help you with managing your project routing, navigation, deep linking, route arguments etc ... With Navigator2.0 Manage your project routes and create nested routes. Update only one widget in your page when navigating to new route. Simply navigation without context to your page.

The most cool feature for this package is Nested Routing - Widget Update or see all Features