
Primary LanguageJavaScript

SSE Example

This is a simple naive implementation of a message board standing for an example light-weight server sent events example.


Nats broker

A simple message broker. Could be replaced with Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc. Reason of choice: lightweight.


A simple ExpressJS service hosting a POST /msgRequest endpoint.

Expects body with the following scheme:

  • author: String
  • text: String

Publishes message on 'test' topic:

  • type (enum: "message")
  • content: Object
    • text: String
    • author: String

Response on success: 204 (created) Since this endpoint ensures the forwarding of the message, but not the processing of it.

Notification Center

A simple ExpressJS service hosting a GET /events endpoint.


  • status: 200
  • content-type: "text/event-stream"

Consumes messages from 'test' topic, pushes messages to subscribers.

Running the application

This command assumes up and running docker (desktop) setup.

docker-compose up -d --build