Rockland Digital Daily Inspo


Rockland Digital Daily Inspo is a web application designed to inspire users with daily quotes. It displays motivational quotes along with their authors, adjusting the display for both desktop and mobile viewers. The application randomly selects a quote from a predefined list each time the page is loaded or refreshed.


  • Responsive Design: Utilizes Bootstrap classes for responsiveness, ensuring the application is accessible on devices of various sizes.
  • Dynamic Quote Generation: Randomly selects a quote and its author from an array and displays it on the page.
  • Mobile and Desktop Compatibility: Different layouts for mobile and desktop users to enhance readability.
  • Social Sharing: Includes functionality (though not fully implemented in the provided code snippet) for sharing quotes on social media platforms like Twitter.

How to Use

To use the Rockland Digital Daily Inspo, simply load the webpage in your browser. The application will automatically display a new inspirational quote each time the page is refreshed.

HTML Structure

  • The HTML is structured into two main sections for displaying quotes: one optimized for desktop (quoteDesktop) and the other for mobile devices (quoteMobile).
  • Quotes and authors are displayed within <h1> and <h3> tags for desktops, and <h3> and <h5> tags for mobile devices, respectively.

JavaScript Functionality

  • The quote() function is the core of the application, responsible for randomly selecting a quote and its author from arrays and updating the HTML elements with these values.
  • The randomNumber() function generates a random index to select a unique quote from the array, ensuring it is different from the last selected quote.
  • The application initializes by calling the quote() function when the window loads, displaying a new quote and author.


  • The CSS styles define the appearance of the quote text and authors, setting the font style, weight, color, and sizes. It also sets a background color for the entire page.
  • Media queries (via Bootstrap classes) are used to adjust the layout and font sizes for different screen sizes.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap (for responsive design)


  1. Copy the provided HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code into respective files within your project directory (index.html, styles.css, script.js).
  2. Ensure the Bootstrap framework is accessible, either by including a link to the Bootstrap CDN in your HTML or by installing Bootstrap in your project.
  3. Open index.html in a web browser to view the application.


Contributions to the Rockland Digital Daily Inspo are welcome. Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request for review.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.