This script reads a MacJournal export file and import it into Day One. The script was forked from Sasmito Adibowo and updated to work with the newer version of Day One.
Example: input-file.txt --journal="Staging"
- First parameter is the file name of the MacJournal export file
- Option
specifies a pre-existing in Day One to target the import records. The default isMacJournal Import
- Install the Day One command line tool.
- Create a new journal in Day One.
- Export a journal from MacJournal, as text file containing all entries
- Run MacJournalToDayOne to import to the new journal in Day One.
- Use Day One to inspect the resulting journal.
- If satisfied, move the imported journal to your regular journal
- Python 3.6+
- MacJournal 6.0+
- Day One 4.0+
- The Day One 2.0 command line tool.