Running the docker image:
docker run -d --restart always --name=valheim-dedicated -p 2456:2456/udp -p 2457:2457/udp rockneurotiko/valheim:latest
Running with host interface:
docker run -d --restart always --name=valheim-dedicated --net=host rockneurotiko/valheim:latest
Using a volume to store the data (Recommended for world persistance):
mkdir -p $(pwd)/valheim-server
sudo chmod 777 $(pwd)/valheim-server
docker run -d --restart always -v $(pwd)/valheim-server:/home/steam/valheim-server --name=valheim-dedicated --net=host rockneurotiko/valheim:latest
There are a number of environment variables that you should use to configure your server:
- STEAM_ADMIN_ID: Steam ID 64 (Dec) of the user to be admin. You can configure wore than one with "id1\nid2\nid3"
- SERVER_NAME: Your server name on the listing. Default "My awesome server"
- SERVER_PASSWORD: The server password. Default "1234secret!"
- SERVER_DATA_DIR: Directory to save the data, it defaults to a directory in the valheim-server.
- SERVER_WORLD: The world name to create. Default "Dedicated".
- SERVER_PORT: Server port, default 2456
- SERVER_CROSSPLAY: Enable crossplay, default true
- EXTRA_PARAMS: Pass extra params as provided to the valheim binary, default ""
To find your steam id use this webpage and copy the steamID64 (Dec)
This docker has a tag plus
that integrates Valheim Plus.
With Valheim Plus there are no Crossplay, and the default world name is "DedicatedPlus"
For example:
docker run -d --restart-always --name=valheim-dedicated-plus --net=host rockneurotiko/valheim:plus
Just to show a real world example, this is how I manage my own servers.
Before anything, you need to create a directory for the docker volume:
mkdir -p $(pwd)/valheim-server
sudo chmod 777 $(pwd)/valheim-server
Then I have a script that stop && start the docker, useful for start or restart the server and for update.
# Configure the following directories
backup_dir="/home/rock/backups/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
echo "---------------------------------------" >> server.logs
echo "Restarting $(date)" >> server.logs
echo "Stopping server" >> server.logs
docker stop valheim-dedicated >> server.logs 2>&1
if [ -d "$data_dir" ]; then
echo "Backup data to $backup_dir" >> server.logs
cp -r "$data_dir" "$backup_dir" >> server.logs 2>&1
echo "Backup skipped, data dir doesn't exists $data_dir" >> server.logs
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error doing the backup, not starting the server." >> server.logs
exit 1
echo "Starting server" >> server.logs
docker start valheim-dedicated >> server.logs 2>&1 || docker run -d --restart always -v $valheim_dir:/home/steam/valheim-server --name=valheim-dedicated -e SERVER_NAME="My Server Name" -e SERVER_PASSWORD="MyPassword" -e STEAM_ADMIN_ID="<id>" --net=host rockneurotiko/valheim:latest >> server.logs 2>&1
echo "End" >> server.logs
Replace the path of the volume directory (/home/rock/valheim-server
) for your own path, and change the environment values (server name, password, admin, ...)
Start the server executing the script: ./
For stability, I have configured a restart a 05:00 AM UTC using cron, this is my crontab line (You need the PATH in order to find the docker command):
0 5 * * * /home/rock/