Run Features

QA Code Test


  1. Download and unzip file
  2. Rename your project "qa-interview-yourname"
  3. Make sure your Ruby environment is using ruby 2.3.3
  4. Be sure to bundle install
  5. Run the example feature file:
    • bundle exec cucumber features/example.feature
  6. Create the tests below in order. You should be able to create any tests by building on the files that are already set up in the project.



Write an automated test to validate each of the following:

  1. The input fields exist
  2. A negative scenario using the input fields
  3. Input data into the fields
  4. Submit a name for male with a nickname and validate that a new name has been prepended to the list
  5. Submit twice for a female with a last initial and validate that a new name has been prepended to the list