
In LRU cache, when a new input arrives, the resulting output is added to the cache and the oldest output is removed.

Primary LanguagePython


Caches are structures for storing data for future use so that it doesn't have to be re-calculated each time it is accessed.


In LRU cache, when a new input arrives, the resulting output is added to the cache and the oldest output is removed.

Problem Statement

Implementing a LRU cache which on start-up would load data from file into cache.
The cache can have N as its initial size, where it can store N elements.
Upon reaching its limit, cache moves the element/record to cache_file.
Whereas element which is least recently used will be removed from cache and will be store to cache_file.
Further at shutdown, elements of cache are stored into cache_file where on start-up its loaded up again.
In general Cache should support CRUD operations as well.


For implementing LRUCache, from python collections module OrderedDict is one of the data structure which can be used for holding the cache elements.


  • Retrieval of element as per key still promises to be of O(1).
  • As per LRU, always first element can be used as a candidate for removal.

class LRUCache

  • file_path: specifies the path of cache_file or backup_file.
  • limit: specifies the limit or size of the cache.
  • unique_identifier: attribute name of unique_identifier in data object.
  • record_count: gives the max. record id available in the system at the time of loading data from cache_file into cache.


Adds the data into OrderedDict (cache), where,
key for OrderedDict is Unique Identifier, and value will be the data object itself.
Incase of cache overflow, backup is taken from cache_file.


Retrieves the data from OrderedDict (cache), where,
when key is not specified, fetches all the elements (of object sorted format),
whereas when key is specified, retrieves the particular element.
If element is not found or missing in cache, then element is tried to retrieve from cache_file.

update(key, data_object)

Updates the data w.r.t key in OrderdDict, and replaces it with new data object.
data objects not available in cache are also supported to be updated in cache_file.


Removes the data object w.r.t key.
data object from cache_files can also be removed if specified key is not available in cache.
Incase of cache underflow, fills the cache space with the element stored in cache_file


Course - (course_name, tenure, max_marks).
Student records dataset. Student - (first_name, last_name, email, enrolled_courses, marks_scored).

generate the data from data_generator.py as:

>> cd sample
>> python data_generator.py

make settings for the cache system in settings.py.

  • cache_file: Path of cache/backup file.
  • cache_limit: specifies the limit of cache.

further sample usage of LRUCache is implemented in main.py

>> python main.py