
Library to transform Chrome bookmarks to tags

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bookmarks Tagging

This repository contains the source code of a Chrome extension which allows you to manage your bookmarks with tags instead of folders. You can package it as a Chrome extension or run it standalone as a website. You can also download the extension from the Chrome Web Store.


It's hosted here. However, the Web version has some missing functionality due to the security permission in Chrome.

User Manual

The user manual on how to use the bookmark extension is here.


Here is a list of files that are the foundation of the app:

  • index.html - page that hosts the app
  • ui.css - CSS Style Override
  • app.js - app entry point
  • all-views.js - angular.js view routing and controller registrations
  • idb.js - wrapper of db.js
  • bookmark-loader.js - parse Chrome bookmarks and persist bookmarks and tagGroups
  • chrome-bookmark-parser.js - parse the Chrome bookmarks and return bookmarks and tagGroups

Here are a couple links on building Chrome extension:


require.js is used to manage dependency, and r.js is used to build the package. You can modify app.build.js to package the way you want. Details can be find here.

To build the package, you have to have node.js installed, then in command line console, run the followings steps:

  • go to bookmark-tagging folder
  • run node tools/r.js -o app/app.build.js

The output folder is app-built, you can change it in the app.build.js.

Run as a Website locally

If you have python installed, run the following steps in the command line console:

  • go to app folder
  • run python -m http.server (you can specify port number at the end as well, default is 8000)
  • go Chrome, and type in the localhost:8000 to the address bar
  • you should see the app running in the browser in a few second

Note: you may have to refresh your browser manually a lot during the development so that the app loads the JavaScript files correctly.

Load as an extension

Follow the steps from the Developer Guide, and load the files from the app folder.

Publish to Chrome Web Store

Create a zip file from the app folder, and then follow steps 3 in this guide. License