
Primary LanguagePLpgSQL



Task 1 - Demonstrate that you can write moderately complex SQLs

  2. Write a query that lists depart_name, city, state , country
| department_name | city                | state_province | country_id |
| IT              | Southlake           | Texas          | US         |
| Shipping        | South San Francisco | California     | US         |
| Administration  | Seattle             | Washington     | US         |
  1. Write a query that list employee name and manager name
| employee         | manager          |
| Neena Kochhar    | Steven King      |
| Lex De Haan      | Steven King      |
| Alexander Hunold | Lex De Haan      |
| Bruce Ernst      | Alexander Hunold |
| David Austin     | Alexander Hunold |
  1. Write a query that list all employees and their department, should also list employees that are not associated with any departments.

Task 2 - Security

  2. Show me how you could do basic XSS or SQL Injection.

Task 3 - Demonstrate that you can write a very simple RESTful webservice

For this example, we will create a service that manages Departments

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a Node.js server that exposes a RESTFul endpoint
    • you can use express.js or any other framework of your choice, no need to persist entities in database, you could return hard-code values.
    • Please feel free to refer to any links, tutorials
    • Demonstrate the functionality using a testcase

Task 4 - Demonstrate that you can invoke a webservice from Angular or React

Create a small input form to exercise the GitHub REST service that returns the list of repositories of a user. After submission, iterate over the results and display the repository names.

API console/demo:


Example GET request : https://api.github.com/users/b-pmcg/repos