
Gatsby microsite with Contentful CMS using block page builder schema.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Gatsby project that demonstrates how to implement loadable components with an SEO approach.

How to use this Gatsby project

Install dependencies

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install all the dependencies with yarn install

Import Contentful Space

The Gatsby project makes use of Contentful so you'll need to create a free account on Contentful and import an existing Contentful space which is the contentful-export-b6rq7rsykgs7-master-2020-04-08T20-01-01.json file.

  1. Create an account at contentful.com
  2. Follow the instructions here

When that's done you can start the Gatsby project with yarn dev and the site should be up and running.

Viewing Page Source

To view the page source of the site, you'll need to build it for production and then serve it as a static site. You can do that with the command below.

yarn build && serve public

Serve is a package used to serve static sites and can be installed with the command yarn global add serve.