
A ML Project to classify guitar chords using CNN.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A ML Project to classify guitar chords using CNN.


The chords dataset was collected from MONTEFIORE RESEARCH GROUP of University of Liège - Montefiore Institute (Montefiore.ulg.ac.be, 2019). The chords dataset consists of 10 types of chords with 200 audio files of each chord.

download link: http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/services/acous/STSI/file/jim2012Chords.zip

Libraries required:

  1. numpy
  2. keras
  3. librosa
  4. tensorflow
  5. pandas
  6. tkinter
  7. pygame

How to run:

Just install the required libraries and run classify.py


It creates the trained model model.json for prediction of guitar chords


It uses the trained model model.json to predict a recorded guitar chord using a simple UI. In the UI, just press reocrd and play a chord. It records for 3 seconds and saves the output wav file recoeded.wav. The classify button shows the predicted chord.

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