This repository has been DEPRECATED. Please use rocBLAS.

Primary LanguageC++

This was an experimental BLAS implementation for ROCm and has been DEPRECATED. Please use rocBLAS.

A. Introduction:

This repository hosts the HCC based BLAS Library (hcBLAS), that targets GPU acceleration of the traditional set of BLAS routines on AMD devices. . To know what HCC compiler features, refer here.

The following list enumerates the current set of BLAS sub-routines that are supported so far.

  • Sgemm : Single Precision real valued general matrix-matrix multiplication
  • Dgemm : Double Precision real valued general matrix-matrix multiplication
  • Cgemm : Single Precision Complex valued general matrix-matrix multiplication
  • Zgemm : Double Precision Complex valued general matrix-matrix multiplication
  • Hgemm : Half Precision general matrix-matrix multiplication.
  • Sgemv : Single Precision real valued general matrix-vector multiplication
  • Dgemv : Double Precision real valued general matrix-vector multiplication
  • Sger : Single Precision General matrix rank 1 operation
  • Dger : Double Precision General matrix rank 1 operation
  • Saxpy : Single Precision Scale vector X and add to vector Y
  • Daxpy : Double Precision Scale vector X and add to vector Y
  • Sscal : Single Precision scaling of Vector X
  • Dscal : Double Precision scaling of Vector X
  • Cscal : Single Precision Complex valued scaling of Vector X
  • Zscal : Double Precision Complex valued scaling of Vector X
  • Csscal : Single Precision scaling ofcomplex vector by a real constant
  • Zdscal : Double Precision scaling ofcomplex vector by a real constant
  • Scopy : Single Precision Copy
  • Dcopy : Double Precision Copy
  • Sasum : Single Precision Absolute sum of values of a vector
  • Dasum : Double Precision Absolute sum of values of a vector
  • Sdot : Single Precision Dot product
  • Ddot : Double Precision Dot product

B. Key Features

  • Support for 23 commonly used BLAS routines
  • Batched GEMM API
  • Ability to Choose desired target accelerator
  • Single and Double precision

C. Prerequisites

  • Refer Prerequisites section here

D. Tested Environment so far

  • Refer Tested environments enumerated here

E. Installation

  • Follow installation steps as described here

F. Unit testing

  • Follow testing procedures as explained here

G. API reference

  • The Specification of API's supported along with description can be found here

H. Examples

  • Refer Examples section here