
@bluenotebot recommendations playlist on Spotify

Primary LanguageJavaScript

"@bluenotebot recommends" playlist generator

@bluenotebot is a twitter bot by Daniel Canet that links to random(?) jazz albums released by Blue Note Records. This watches for general tweets from the bot (as opposed to @ mentions, which was how it started) and adds the album's tracks (or artist's top tracks in the US) to a public playlist.

Getting a refresh token

For this to work, you'll need to get a refresh token and store it in a file named refresh-token.txt w/in this directory. To the best that I could find, Spotify does not issue access tokens for apps outside of an authentication flow. However, refresh tokens, which are issued when you get an access token, live for a lot longer (no idea if it's forever, but it's definitely a few days).

To get one, follow Spotify's auth flow instructions (you don't need to set up a server, you can get a token with a combination of browser/cURL requests!). Stash the refresh token value in refresh-token.txt and you're off to the races!