WMS Item Availability server

Small server to use for checking item availability at your institution.

Uses environment variables to set WSKey and institution id values. WSKEY_PUBLIC, WSKEY_SECRET and INST_ID are required. PORT (default 8880) and BASE_URL (default /) aren't


git clone https://github.com/malantonio/wms-item-availability-server
cd wms-item-availability-server

and then

WSKEY_PUBLIC="abc1234" WSKEY_SECRET="lalala" INST_ID="128807" npm start &> /dev/null

Or you could throw the whole thing into a bash script

#!/usr/bin/env bash
export WSKEY_PUBLIC="abc1234"
export WSKEY_SECRET="lalala"
export INST_ID="128807"

$(which node) server

Then point your widget or whatever at <server path>/oclc/<oclc number> and get item availability info as JSON back.

  "oclcNumber": string, // oclc number passed
  "availableNow": bool, // boolean, true if _any_ holdings.circulations.availableNow is true, false otherwise
  "holdings": array     // array of holdings info