
Primary LanguageShell


	Get MPI build flags from mpicc and mpicxx wrappers.


        mpitool (--link|--compile) mpiwrapper [regex]


	The mpitool program replaces the compiler used by the MPI wrapper
        with the 'echo' program, and then captures the arguments. The
        environment variables like I_MPI_CC or OMPI_CC are used to
	run 'echo' as the compiler. Only Openmpi, Intel MPI, and MPICH
        are supported by now.

        To use with other wrappers, set the compiler to echo, maybe
        using a CUSTOM_CC=echo variable, before calling mpitool.

        Note: for Intel MPI you can only use mpiicc or mpigcc for the
        MPI wrapper, as mpicc doesn't allow other compilers than icc and
        gcc. The same occurs for mpiicpc and mpigxx.


        --link	     Calls the mpiwrapper as if it was linking a program,
                     in order to show the link flags

        --compile    Calls the mpiwrapper to perform a compilation only,
                     no linking step.

        mpiwrapper   The MPI wrapper script, usually mpicc or mpicxx.

        regex        Optional. Returns only the flags matching this regex.
                     Flags are placed one per line and then the regex is
                     applied, so you can filter with ^-L all flags starting
                     by -L. By default returns all the flags.


        Get the dynamic libraries used at link time for C:
        $ mpitool --link mpicc "^-l"

        Get all flags given by the wrapper for compilation stage for C++:
        $ mpitool --compile mpicxx

        It can also be used in a Makefile:

          LDFLAGS+=$(shell mpitool --link mpicc "^-L")
          LDLIBS+=$(shell mpitool --link mpicc "^-l")
          CFLAGS+=$(shell mpitool --compile mpicc "^-I")