
A generic boiler plate makefile setup for embedded projects. Use as a sub-project inside existing project

Primary LanguageMakefileBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

This is a makefile subsystem when writting code.

I wanted a boiler plate system that I could use in my own projects.  I was 
getting sick of continually writting the same make code for each new project so
I have created this system.

My design goals were:
* Wanted to be able to add new compilers eaisly just adding the differences
* Wanted to be able to add source files simple by adding them to a varaible in 
  a makefile
* Wanted to be able to put code in libraries or link to main application
* Wanted to add tools simply and intergrate these tools into the build system
* Wanted to be able to write test harnesses and have then intergrated simply.

Currently supported are:
STM32 cortex GCC 
AVR mostly for Arduino but can add any 8-bit AVR - GCC (this still needs work)
LPC935 via the SDCC compiler

This makefile systemn has 2 modes of operation a simple mode where all source 
code is included in the top level makefile.  The complex mode of operation is 
where multi-targets are supported via systems.  These systems can be different
processors and have various tools required to build the system .

Both top level makefiles are seen in the examples directory.