While you can run the application from your local environment, the application has a Dockerfile is prepared to run inside Docker containers, to simplify development and testing.
To run it, simply execute from the movies
docker-compose up
Once the services are up and running you can execute the usual Django commands inside the containers as such:
> docker-compose exec movies python manage.py makemigrations
> docker-compose exec movies python manage.py migrate
> docker-compose exec movies python manage.py createsuperuser
This application has been deployed on Heroku (via Gitlab CI) and is accessible at (https://morning-river-10989.herokuapp.com)[https://morning-river-10989.herokuapp.com]
To run the tests, type
docker-compose exec movies pytest
Where "movies" is the main application service (check docker-compose.yml).
PyTest-watch is also supported with the ptw
Other useful pytest commands:
# normal run
docker-compose exec movies pytest
# disable warnings
docker-compose exec movies pytest -p no:warnings
# run only the last failed tests
docker-compose exec movies pytest --lf
# run only the tests with names that match the string expression
docker-compose exec movies pytest -k "movie and not all_movies"
# stop the test session after the first failure
docker-compose exec movies pytest -x
# enter PDB after first failure then end the test session
docker-compose exec movies pytest -x --pdb
# stop the test run after two failures
docker-compose exec movies pytest --maxfail=2
# show local variables in tracebacks
docker-compose exec movies pytest -l
# list the 2 slowest tests
docker-compose exec movies pytest --durations=2
The API made available by the app is
HTTP Method | CRUD Method | Result |
GET | READ | get all movies |
GET | READ | get a single movie |
POST | CREATE | add a movie |
docker-compose exec movies python manage.py flush
docker-compose exec movies python manage.py loaddata movies.json