
Primary LanguageCSS

Stectech Tech Test

Welcome to our little test, the instructions may be a little vague at times. This is intentional. We're hoping you´ll figure it out, good luck!

We´ve copied out a few files that have (at least) one bug. This responsive website has a few different menus. We noticed that at 320px if we scroll down then up the menu disappears:


To see a live version of this bug click here

Also might be useful to read Navigation specification document


  1. Clone this repo to your development environment
  2. Create a new feature branch in git
  3. Figure out what´s making the menu disappear and fix the bug (you will need to run npm install & gulp to generate new main.js & main.css)
  4. Push your feature branch up to github and open a Pull Request back to master

Things we´re looking for in order of importance:

  1. Fix the bug
  2. Time it takes to solve the problem
  3. Elegant code
  4. Git commits & descriptions


  1. Additional comments or ideas around refactoring (or additional commits)
  2. Create a functional test with your tool of choice and provide instructions on how to run it that checks that the menu is present after scrolling down & up (EXTRA BONUS points if the test is committed BEFORE the solution in true TDD style)