
Primary LanguageRuby

Build Status Coverage Status


Followerwonk for Instagram


Project setup on local environment

git clone https://github.com/rodcul/instawonk.git
cd instawonk
bin/rake db:create RAILS_ENV=development
rails s

Now visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser!

Seed database with 1000 users

(an error will be thrown if the rails server is running)

bin/rake db:seed

Reset database:

bin/rake db:reset

User Stories

As a nosey user So that I can see important instagram accounts I want a list of users on the homepage, showing their full name, username, profile picture, followers, following and bio

As a site admin So that I can provide the latest detailed user data I want to have 50,000 records in my database

As a nosey user So that the insta accounts are easy to read I want some pretty styling on the homepage

As a nosey user So that I can find users of a particular topic I want a search box that lets me search insta users by topic

