Files ----- README - this file. PROJECT - instructions for using these parsers and building your projects. MDL.spec - The entire languange specification. matrix.c - stripped down matrix code (new_matrix, free_matrix, matrix.h print_matrix, and identity_matrix). parser.h - structures and definitions used by the parser. This defines the command array that the parser fills. symtab.h - Symbol table routines. Structures are defined as well as symtab.c add_symbol, lookup_symbol, set_value, and utility symbol table printing routines. print_pcode.c - Contains print_pcode. A routine that will print out the arry of commands that the parser fills. This is for testing and debugging purposes. test - A sample script mdl.l - Flex (lex) source file. Flex will use this file to build the lexical scanner. mdl.y - Bison (yacc) source file. Bison will use this file to build the parser. This file also holds main(), but you can change that. Makefile - The project Makefile