Online lessons:
Workshop date: October 8, 2018
Neural Networks Workshop for Fashion-MNIST Data!
- Download repository files, add to your working directory
- Navigate to workshop directory
- Activate environment:
source activate caispp
- Install keras, if you haven't already :
pip install keras
- Install keras-tqdm:
pip install keras-tqdm
- Install ipywidgets:
conda install -c conda-forge ipywidgets
- Enable widgets:
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgetsnbextension
- IMPORTANT: run this command
conda install nb_conda
so that jupyter notebook can use our conda env. - Launch jupyter notebook:
jupyter notebook
- Add your completed code to a repository on your own Github account
- Create a new "issue" in the repository
- Tag
, and/or@bhahn16
so that we can check you off!