
Predict mosquito abundance and potential dengue cases from meteorological data.

Primary LanguagePython


Forecast dengue outbreaks. Part of 510's impact-based forecasting portal. Built to support Philippines Red Cross.

This model:

  1. calculates expected mosquito abundance given meteorological data
  2. forecast dengue risk given mosquito abundance
  3. determines if dengue risk is anomalously high and, if so, gives an alert
  4. calculates the expected number of dengue cases given dengue risk

See details in the IBF-dengue technical note.

If you want to run this model on Azure, follow these instructions.


Generic requirements:

For 510: project service account accessible here, login credentials in Bitwarden

with Docker

  1. Install Docker
  2. Download input data from here and move it to
  1. Copy your Google Earth Engine service account credentials (stored as .json) and IBF-system credentials (stored as .env) in
  1. Build the docker image from the root directory
docker build -t rodekruis/mosquito-model .
  1. Create a docker container
docker run --name mosquito-model rodekruis/mosquito-model
  1. Run and access the container
docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash rodekruis/mosquito-model
  1. Check that everything is working by running the model (see Usage below)

Manual Setup

Specific requirements:

  1. Move to project root
cd mosquito_model
  1. Install project
pip install .
  1. Download input data from here and move it to
  1. Copy your Google Earth Engine service account credentials (stored as .json) and IBF-system credentials (stored as .env) in


Usage: run-mosquito-model [OPTIONS]

  --countrycode TEXT             country iso code
  --vector TEXT                  vector file with admin boundaries
  --admincode TEXT               name of admin code in vector file
  --temperaturesuitability TEXT  table with suitability vs temperature
  --thresholds TEXT              table with thresholds and coefficients (risk vs dengue cases)
  --demographics TEXT            table with demographic data
  --credentials TEXT             credentials directory
  --data TEXT                    input data directory
  --dest TEXT                    output data directory
  --predictstart TEXT            start predictions from date (%Y-%m-%d)
  --predictend TEXT              end predictions on date (%Y-%m-%d)
  --storeraster                  store raster data locally
  --verbose                      print output at each step
  --help                         show this message and exit