

For the preprocessing, main and postprocessing scripts config options are availabe, an in depth explanation of these options can be found in the README file in the scripts directory.

  • scripts functions to preprocess data, build the model and apply inference
  • weights contains the optimal trained weights
  • data input and destination for intermediate results and output

If using Docker

Getting started

  1. Clone this github repository

  2. Copy data to the /data/1_input_scenes/inference directory. The scenes should be either in .tif or .TIF formats and RGB bands should be combined.

rsync -av --progress <path/to/dir/on/localhost/*> <user>@<host>:<path/to/remote/directory/named/data/1_input_scenes/inference> 
  1. Install Docker.

  2. Download the latest Docker Image

docker pull rodekruis/cloud-detection
  1. Create a docker container and connect it to a local directory (<path/to/your/workspace>), possibly add sudo in front
docker run --name cloud-detection -dit -v <path/to/your/workspace>:/workdir --ipc=host --gpus all -p 5000:5000 rodekruis/cloud-detection
  1. Access the container
docker exec -it cloud-detection bash

End-to-end inference example

Firstly, tile and preprocess the scenes in data/1_input_scenes/inference folder. Running the following command will tile all scenes and output them in data/2_input_tiles.

python /workdir/scripts/ --inference

Secondly, run inference on the tiles with the already trained model. You can chose different weights according to your preference to penalize false negatives or false positives more heavily. See the README on weights in the scripts folder. The default way to run inference on the input tiles is by runnning:

python /workdir/scripts/ --inference --run-name run_1

Finally, run the postprocessing script to merge all tiles into a scene level prediction. Specify --run-name to be the same as used in the previous inference step, when not specified, the tiles of all runs are merged (seperately per run).

python /workdir/scripts/ --run-name run_1

The output of each scene can then be found in data/4_prediction_scenes.

End-to-end training on Biome data

For training, preprocessing can be skipped and you can directly download the already preprocessed tiles in data/2_input_tiles using this link. If you would like to run the model on a new dataset, you can look at the preprocess_train function in the pre_processing script for inspiration. That function replaces the preprocess_inference function.

After the data is loaded, you can run the script, e.g. by (useful to change test_run into something custom :)):

python /workdir/scripts/ --scratch --run-name test_run 

You can view the training progress in tensorboard by running:

tensorboard --logdir <path/to/runs/run_name/run_2/tensorboard>