



  • Ensure files pyproject.toml and poetry.lock available at root. The latter is for caching dependencies
  • ODBC Driver for SQL Server if storing data in Microsoft Azure SQL Server

Set up locally (with poetry)

  1. Install Python Poetry
  2. Edit config file to your need using the template config-template.yaml in config folder. Save it as config.yaml in the same folder.
  3. Run command:
    poetry run python -m telegram_pipeline --country <someCountry>
    where <someCountry> is a country name in the yaml file.

Set up with Docker

  1. Install Docker
  2. Build the docker image from the root directory
    docker build -t rodekruis/social-media-listening .
  3. Run the dockerised pipeline in 2 ways:
    • With default configurations:
      docker run -it rodekruis/social-media-listening --country <someCountry>
    • Or enter the docker image interactively for more run options (such as running for specific countries one by one):
      docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash rodekruis/social-media-listening
      Then run in the opened container:
      poetry run python -m telegram_pipeline --country <someCountry>