
Creating a PoC with IFRC CEA Coding Framework

Opened this issue · 4 comments

We're currently trying to understand the SML version that is fit for scale. In the current version of SML, labels were generated manually. Upon discussion between product and technical, it is clear that the product will benefit from an automated definition of the output labels. The starting point will be the IFRC CEA Coding Framework (IFRC CF), to be complemented at a later stage with topic modeling.


  • Prepare a PoC in PowerBI showing the UKR messages classified using the IFRC CF

@ibadyal here's a simple adaptation of the PowerBI dashboard to the IFRC Coding Framework, using a small real dataset from DRC. Please close this issue if sufficient for next steps.

hi @jmargutt

  1. I was reviewing this and dont see "Trends" loading in the Power BI dashboard
  2. The data is from 2021, do we know why that is?
  3. Can you link in the ticket the CEA Coding framework excel
  4. Is it possible to achieve parity between outputs of CEA Coding framework and the Dashboard?


  1. didn't think it was necessary for the PoC, as the "trends" page was still quite work-in-progress and not particularly used by users, as far as I understood. If it's necessary I can add it, pls let me know.
  2. that's when that dataset was collected, those are the actual dates.
  3. you can find the CEA coding framework in the IFRC CEA Community feedback starter kit
  4. sorry I don't understand the question...

Notes for reference: Column U and Column V exposed under "Messages " in the dashboard.
File titled: Tool 15.3 Master Logbook June 2019.