why work we so fly
[ ] dockerize actions [ ] move whisper template to actions call to listen and parse [ ] move tts to actions call to talk from input [ ] move openai whisper to tinygrad local whisper [ ] move tts firefox to tinygrad tts (from conversation.py) [ ] move gpt/mamba template to actions brain parser? freeBing3.5 template->brain code 1 shot? [ ] part VAL to own project depending on squidwork [ ] document this shit on blog and stuffs? ... [ ] bypass cloudflare scrape shield https://developers.cloudflare.com/waf/tools/scrape-shield/
https://giveaways.org/#top25 https://upvir.al/152563/lp152563?ref_id=655ae5e672d63M [ ] spam domain emails [ ] open and apply to giveaway on incognito [ ] multiprocess docker headless ...
[ ] smart templates for job form providers?
https://jobs.sequoiacap.com/jobs/?skills=Artificial+Intelligence ...
[ ] write smart templates, later gpt write/adapt templates?