Team name: Poseidon
Tip: Don't hardcode IP
- Create Github project and invite others
- Create Xcode project
- Add configuration for IP Address
#Video feed over HTTP
- Download and display image
- Transform from 360
- Get bonus First tweet from camera feed
- Read Sensors over MQTT
- Display proximity alerts
- Send commands over MQTT (Left, Right: -4000 -> 4000)
- Bonus for first to move robot
- Create initial controller with 2 sliders
- Create fancy joy stick controller
subscribe to:
eg {“FrontLeft":39,"FrontRight":214,"SideLeft":44,"SideRight":37}
This sensor data. the higher the value the closer the object to the respective sensor
e.g. {"Left":-3960,"Right":-10796}
cumulative distance (since reboot?) Maybe use to select “viewport” as right moves forward then viewport should move left along unpacked spherical image