
Cloudinary JavaScript library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Cloudinary allows web applications to manage web resources in the cloud leveraging cloud-solutions. Cloudinary offers a solution to the entire asset management workflow, from upload to transformations, optimizations, storage and delivery.

The direct image upload feature of the plugin is based on https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload


In order to properly use this library you have to provide it a few configuration parameters:


  • cloud_name - The cloudinary cloud name you'd like to use


To set these configuration parameters use the $.cloudinary.config function (see below)


The following blog post details the process of setting up jQuery based file upload. http://cloudinary.com/blog/direct_image_uploads_from_the_browser_to_the_cloud_with_jquery

The Cloudinary Documentation can be found at: http://cloudinary.com/documentation

  • $.cloudinary.config(parameter_name, parameter_value) - Sets parameter_name's value to parameter_value.

  • $.cloudinary.url(public_id, options) - Returns a cloudinary URL based on your on your configuration and the given options.

  • $.cloudinary.image(public_id, options) - Returns a HTML image tag for the photo specified by public_id

  • $.cloudinary.facebook_profile_image, $.cloudinary.twitter_profile_image, $.cloudinary.twitter_name_profile_image, $.cloudinary.gravatar_image , $.cloudinary.fetch_image - Same like image but returns a specific type of image.

  • $(jquery_selector).cloudinary(options) - Goes over the elements specified by jQuery selector and changes all images to be fetched using Cloudinary's CDN. Using options, you can also specify transformations to the images.

All options parameters are similar across all cloudinary frameworks. Please refer to Rail's integration and using cl_image_tag for more complete reference regarding the options.

For more information, refer to Cloudinary Documentation

Direct file upload with backend support

The javascript library implements helpers to be used in conjunction with the backend cloudinary frameworks (Rails, PHP, django). These framework can be used to embed a file upload field in the HTML (cl_image_upload_tag). When used, the script finds those fields and extend them:

Upon a successful image upload, the script will trigger a jQuery event (cloudinarydone) on the input field and provide fileupload data object (along with the result key containing received data from cloudinary upload API) as the only argument.

If a cloudinary-field-name has been provided with the upload field, the script will find an input field in the form with the given name and updates it post-upload with the image metadata: <image-path>#<public-id>. If no such field exists a new hidden field will be creates.

Client side image resizing before upload

See File Processing Options in https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki/Options Add the following javascript includes after the standard fileupload includes:


Also, add the following javascript:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.cloudinary-fileupload').fileupload('option', 'process', [
      action: 'load',
      fileTypes: /(\.|\/)(gif|jpe?g|png|bmp|ico)$/i,
      maxFileSize: 20000000 // 20MB
      action: 'resize',
      maxWidth: 1920,
      maxHeight: 1200,
      minWidth: 800,
      minHeight: 600
      action: 'save'


Released under the MIT license.