A lisp for the BBC Nicro implemented in assembly. It aims to have the following features:
- proper tail calls (done)
- simple mark-and-sweep garbage collection (done)
- macros
- procedures for talking to the OS
- No proper error handling
- Interpreted, so not particularly fast
- No string type
A cell in the box-pointer model is 32 bits, with the following flavours:
M = marked by GC | type | description |
yyyyyyyy yyyyyy00 xxxxxxxx xxxxxx0M |
Cons | cons(x, y), x and y are pointers to cells |
yyyyyyyy yyyyyy01 xxxxxxxx xxxxxx0M |
Procedure | x is for example ((x y) (+ x y)), y is the env |
yyyyyyyy yyyyyy10 xxxxxxxx xxxxxx0M |
Macro | x is for example ((a b) (list b a)), y is the env |
00000000 00000011 xxxxxxxx xxxxxx0M |
Native | x = pointer to native routine |
cccccccd bbbbbbbd aaaaaaad dddd001M |
Symbol | 4 ASCII chars packed in 28 bits |
00000000 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn 0000011M |
Number | n = 16 bit unsigned integer |
LDA #42
STA tmp
LDA #0
STA tmp + 1
JSR createNumber
JMP postLabel
EQUB "cdr", 0
LDA #LO(label)
STA exp
LDA #HI(label)
STA exp + 1
JSR createSymbol
(+ 2 3)