C. Crank.js examples as metalui
const List = ({ title, items }) => [
["div", {}, `${title} (${items.length})`],
...items.map((item) => ["li", {}, item]),
...(await renderǃ([
{ title: "Todo", items: ["Apple", "Banana", "Chocolate"] },
const disj = <T>(set: Set<T>, ...keys: T[]) => {
const r = new Set(set)
for (const key of keys) {
return r
// Some async data loading
const loadItems = async () => {
await sleep(42)
return ["Apples", "Bananas", "Chocolate"]
const List = async function* ({ stateOb }) {
// Some local state available while the component is alive
const onClick = (item) =>
stateOb.notify((state) => ({
selected: state.selected.has(item)
? disj(state.selected, item)
: new Set([...state.selected, item]),
for await (const { selected } of stateOb) {
if (!selected) {
return // exit component
// Some async data loading
const items = await loadItems()
yield [
...items.map((item) => [
style: selected.has(item) ? "font-weight: bold;" : "",
onclick: () => onClick(item),
const stateOb = new Observable({
selected: new Set(["Bananas"]),
document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([List, { stateOb }])))
const WhatSize = ({ number, $size }) => [
`Size here at ${number} is ${$size}`,
const App = () => [
[WhatSize, { number: 1 }],
["div", {}, ["div", { $size: "large" }, [WhatSize, { number: 2 }]]],
[WhatSize, { number: 3 }],
document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([App, { $size: "small" }])))
// Size here at 1 is small
// Size here at 2 is large
// Size here at 3 is small
Any context is marked with $
and these properties are automatically propegated to the children. Context can be overwritten at any point.
const column = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
const dataOb = new Observable({
revision: 1,
const Summary = async function* ({ dataOb }) {
for await (const { column } of dataOb) {
yield [
`Count: ${column.length}, Sum: ${column.reduce((r, x) => r + x, 0)}`,
document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([Summary, { dataOb }])))
setTimeout(() => {
dataOb.notify(({ column, revision }) => {
column.pop() // mutation
return {
revision: revision + 1,
}, 2000)
The object reference to column
is constant, as it's only mutated, but combined with a monotonically increasing revision number it behaves as an immutable object.
const App = async function* () {
const headsOb = new Observable(0)
const tailsOb = new Observable(0)
const timer = setInterval(() => {
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
headsOb.notify((count) => count + 1)
} else {
tailsOb.notify((count) => count + 1)
}, 1000)
try {
for await (const [heads, tails] of race(headsOb, tailsOb)) {
yield [
["li", {}, `Heads: ${heads}`],
["li", {}, `Tails: ${tails}`],
} finally {
document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([App, {}])))
const App = () => {
const data = new Array(100000)
.map(() => Math.random().toString(36).substr(2))
const Rows = async function* ({ height, scrollOb }) {
for await (const scroll of scrollOb) {
const start = Math.round(scroll / 19)
const len = Math.ceil(height / 19)
yield [
.slice(start, start + len)
.map((row, i) => [
{ style: "height: 19px;" },
`${1 + start + i}: ${row}`,
return [
{ style: "width: 200px; height: 400px;" },
[Scroller, { totalHeight: data.length * 19, Body: Rows }],
document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([App, {}])))
const load = async () => {
await sleep(2000)
return [2, 3, 5]
const App = async function* () {
yield ["div", {}, "Loading..."]
const list = await load()
yield ["div", {}, ["ul", {}, ...list.map((x) => ["li", {}, x])]]
document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([App, {}])))
const Costly = lazyLoad(() => import("./Costly.js").then((r) => r.default))
const App = async function* () {
const ob = new Observable(false)
for await (const val of ob) {
yield [
!val ? "Greedily loaded" : [Costly, { message: "greetings!" }],
["br", {}],
["button", { onclick: () => ob.notify((x) => !x) }, "Switch"],
document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([App, {}])))
const App = async function* ({ name }) {
const canvas = yield ["canvas", { width: 200, height: 20 }]
const g = canvas.getContext("2d")
g.fillText(name, 0, 15)
...(await renderǃ([App, { name: "Baby Driver" }]))