
Pattern searching for finding obfuscated classes and fields across APK versions.

Primary LanguageJava

See dexsearch for the rewritten, updated version.

This repository is old and no longer maintained.


Schematic based pattern search to find obfuscated classes and fields across APK versions.


DexSearch works by looking for patterns in classes in dex files loaded from an APK. Schematics must be defined by the user and require some initial research (i.e. using a tool like jadx to reverse engineer an app). From these schematics, a set of bindings is generated as well as a set of Java classes which can be used in an Xposed module. For an example of this, see SnapMod.

Schematics are meant to resemble parts of Java classes. For example, if we know an APK contains an obfuscated class compiled from the following Java source code:

public class FlagsManager {

  // some flags...
  private static final String FLAG_ADS_DISABLED = "no_ads";
  // more flags...
  private static final String FLAG_PREMIUM = "oremium";
  private final Map<String, String> _flags = new HashMap<String, String>();
  // many other flag boolean functions...
  public boolean areAdsDisabled() {
    return _flags.get(FLAG_ADS_DISABLED) == "yes";
  public boolean isPremium() {
    return _flags.get(FLAG_PREMIUM) == "yes";

When compiled, obfuscated and decompiled again (e.g. by jadx), this class might look like this:

public class C0329XAj {
  private static final String fAeGjjA = "no_ads";
  private static final String fAJEje9 = "premium";
  private final Map A = new HashMap();
  public boolean K() {
    // final String references typically replaced by constant string value.
    return A.get("no_ads") == "yes";
  public boolean La() {
    return A.get("premium") == "yes";

Although a very simple example, this is somewhat similar to how Spotify perform premium and ad checks.

To create a schematic to find this class with DexSearch, we can create a new text file with the following contents:

class FlagsManager {
  java.util.Map flagMap;
  boolean areAdsDisabled() {
    .string "no_ads";
  boolean isPremium() {
    .string "premium";

This schematic should be enough to differentiate the FlagsManager class from every other class in the APK.

Class Modifiers

Modifiers can be added to classes (preceeding the class keyword) to change how their search works.

Modifier Purpose
certain The class is searched for first. This is typically used in enums which can help identify other classes.
exact The class should only be matched if it contains the exact methods and fields declared in the schematic.
late The class is late-bound. This means the class is only bound when it is referenced by another class in the schematic.
fuzzy The class is fuzzy matched. Fuzzy matches fail on the first mismatch as usual but still return the best match if no perfect match is found.
very fuzzy Very fuzzy does not short circuit matching. The closest class in the APK is returned as a match for this class. Very fuzzy classes are useful for research (i.e. if small changes have been made across builds) but cannot reference late bound types.

Illogical combinations of these modifiers will cause DexSearch to fail (combining late and certain, for example, makes no sense).

Additionally, classes can be required to be an enum or interface by replacing class with either of those two terms.

Class References

Class names (types) can be marked as a reference. References to other classes in the schematic must be prefixed with a !. For example, if we wanted to specify a second class in our FlagsManager schematic from above that contains a field of type FlagsManager, we would do the following:

class FlagsManager {
  ... same as before

class Globals {
  !FlagsManager flagsManager;

Note that to reference another class like this, the referenced class must have been already resolved (either decalred above the referencer or marked with the certain modifier). Here, Globals will be matched to any class with a field of whatever type FlagsManager was resolved (matched) as. Such references can be made anywhere a class name is used (fields, methods, bytecode matchers, etc).

Class names can also be marked as latent. Latent class names are matched in-place (when they are first seen). For example, we could write the following schematic:

class Globals {
  #FlagsManager flagsManager;

Here, when Globals is matched (in this case it will be matched to the first declared class in the APK which has one field as it contains no other constraints), FlagsManager is resolved as the type of the first field declared in the matched class. Additional constraints can be added to FlagsManager (and subsequently Globals) by adding a late-bound definition for FlagsManager to the schematic:

late class FlagsManager {
  java.util.Map mapField;
  java.lang.String stringField;

Now, Globals will only be matched to a class if it contains a field which has a type that matches FlagsManager.


Adding fields to a class schematic is similar to adding fields to a class in Java as seen in the above examples. What hasn't been shown is the following:

// Matches the first string field with any name.
java.lang.String stringField;

// Matches the first field of any type with any name.
* firstField;

// Matches the first field of any type called 'exactNameField'.
* $exactNameField;

// Matches the first string field but does not produce a binding for it (this is useful to consume fields you don't care about).
java.lang.String _;

// Matches the first 3 string fields and does not produce bindings for them.
java.lang.String?3 _;

// Matches the first static field of any type.
static * firstStaticField;

// Matches the non-extistence of a string field.
~java.lang.String _;

Important notes:

  • $ before a field name ensures the dex name of the field exactly matches the field name in the schematic.
  • Giving a field _ as a name discards the field and does not produce a binding for it.
  • * can be used as a wildcard for type matching (will match any type).
  • Fields are matched in order of declaration in the class being tested. Once a field is matched, it is consumed.
  • If no static modifier is present, static fields can still be matched.
  • type?N _ can be used to discard the first N fields of type type.
  • type? optionalField can be used to specify that the field is not required for a successful match, but if found it should still be bound to optionalField.
  • ~ before a field (or method) ensures a class with a matching member is not bound to the containing schematic.


Similarly, methods can be added to class schematics as follows:

// Matches the first void returning method with no arguments and binds it to 'testMethod'.
void testMethod()

// Matches the first method with any return type which takes arguments of the specified types.
* methodWithArguments(java.lang.String, java.util.Map, int)

// Matches the first method with matching arguments and then any other arguments afterwards.
* methodWithAnyArguments(java.lang.String, java.util.Map, ...)

// Matches an instance constructor with the specified arguments.
void $<init>(android.content.Context, java.net.Uri)

Important notes:

  • ... can be used to match any arguments following a (optionally 0-length) sequence of type-matched arguments.
  • $ before a method name ensures the dex name of the method exactly matches the method name in the schematic.
  • _ works as a discard for methods in the same way it does for fields.
  • * can be used as a type wildcard in return and argument types of methods.
  • Methods are matched in order of declaration and consumed when matched (as with fields).
  • Methods support the ~ not matching and static modifier as with fields.

Method Bodies

Some elements of method bodies can be matched by inspecting the dex bytecode of a method. This is particularly useful when methods contain strings which can be used to identify them. Here are examples of all the supported method bytecode matchers:

void exampleMethod() {
  // String Matching:
  // Matches the given string constant.
  .string "Exact String";
  // Matches a constant string containing the given string.
  .string contains "Exact";
  // Matches a given string constant, ignoring case.
  .string caseless "exact string";
  // Note, contains and caseless can be combined:
  .string contains caseless "exact";
  // Method Call Matching
  // Matches a call to Double.isNaN().
  .call java.lang.Double->isNaN;
  // Matches a call to a method called 'namedMethod' on any type.
  .call *->namedMethod;
  // Matches a call to a method called 'namedMethod' and binds the calling type to 'LateType'.
  .call #LateType->namedMethod;
  // Class Instantiation
  // Matches a call to new Object().
  .new-instance java.lang.Object;
  // Matches the instantiation of a previously resolved type bound to 'FlagsManager'.
  .new-instance !FlagsManager;
  // Type References
  // Matches any kind of reference to the type Object.
  .reference java.lang.Object;
  // Matches any kind of reference to the previously resolved 'FlagsManager'.
  .reference !FlagsManager;
  // Field References
  // Matches a reference to any field called 'namedField'.
  .field *->namedField;
  // Matches a reference to the 'map' field of the previously resolved 'FlagsManager'.
  .field !FlagsManager->map;
  // Bytecode Constants
  // Matches an integer constant with value 321.
  .const 321;
  // Matches an integer constant with value 1 (equivalent to true in dex bytecode).
  .const 1;


Inheritance can be modelled in a schematic using the same syntax as Java:

class ExampleClass extends java.lang.Object implements java.util.List {
  ...schema fields and methods

Using extends checks all parent types until java.lang.Object is found.

Type matching with derived types can be performed as follows:

// Declare schematic for the base type (or we can use a constant type name without '!' later).
class ChatModelBase {
  // toString methods often have useful identification information such as the original class name.
  java.lang.String $toString() {
    .string contains "ChatModelBase";

class ChatModelViewHolder {
  // Matches the first field whose type extends the resolved 'ChatModelBase' type.
  [extends !ChatModelBase] chatModel;