- 0
the => are not aligned
#157 opened by Dan33l - 0
- 2
vader.vim seems to be abandoned
#150 opened by lelutin - 4
Tag releases
#104 opened by ekohl - 9
- 4
Syntax highlighting broken since #116
#121 opened by baurmatt - 1
Hash Rocket aligning happens in comments
#143 opened by russellshackleford - 3
Slashes in pathnames confuse the highlighting
#120 opened by petdance - 1
- 10
Remove closing brace hangs Vim
#39 opened by jorhett - 7
Incorrect indentation
#67 opened by lpar - 13
- 14
Syntax highlighting for include keyword seems incorrect following puppet_new_syntax merge.
#119 opened by KeithWard - 6
puppetTodo: is not highlighted
#124 opened by misaflo - 1
with textwidth enabled, typing past the textwidth limit inverts the last two characters before formatting
#135 opened by lelutin - 0
epuppet filetype detection does not match subtype via file content header or path in vim
#148 opened by lelutin - 2
Jump to tag with CTRL-] no longer works
#140 opened by saj - 2
The colon character should not be a keyword
#108 opened by SamK - 1
CI for this plugin should either be moved to or to github workflow
#134 opened by lelutin - 9
- 2
Include in the Vim runtime distribution
#131 opened by dkearns - 3
Brackets and hash in string breaks indentation
#117 opened by jonjhallettuob - 2
Using vim-yardoc for puppet files
#125 opened by misaflo - 0
ctags doesn't follow classes prepended with `::`
#122 opened by faxm0dem - 2
Problem with gutentags.vim
#110 opened by consal - 4
- 6
wrong indentation
#77 opened - 4
Pattern type breaking highlighting
#94 opened by alex-harvey-z3q - 4
Closing braces sometimes wrong colour
#47 opened by alex-harvey-z3q - 9
Apostrophe in heredoc breaks highlighting
#103 opened by genebean - 5
- 1
- 3
Syntax highlighting: regexes vs division
#46 opened by zenazn - 3
Copyright/license missing
#79 opened by apoikos - 2
Align => when doing gg=G
#82 opened by dal00 - 0
Auto format with gq
#85 opened by sgleske-ias - 1
puppet 5 compatible
#83 opened - 1
Merging vim-puppet with puppetlabs/puppet/ext/vim
#69 opened by shibumi - 0
- 1
Vim-puppet does not seem to work on CentOS7
#50 opened by 030 - 1
- 1
How to update one plugin at a time ?
#49 opened by mayuroks - 0
double quoted array variable wrong highlight
#68 opened by Poil - 2
Syntax highlight improvement
#54 opened by rkiyanchuk - 2
Interaction with nerdcommenter
#62 opened by amateo - 2
- 1
- 1
contain function
#60 opened by conbart - 1
- 1