
job to download METAR data from Wheather Underground site

Primary LanguageC


from Weather Underground

This job is for to get METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report) data from a large period from Weather Underground site.

How to use

On a Linux terminal execute


and follow the instructions (in portuguese). If you don't have permission to excecute type

sudo chmod +x getmetar

You need to have a folder named bin to run.

How it works

The src folder contains the C source code that generates a file with wget instructions for download data from a URL. If the URL changes, you need to update the source, at the end of the source, with the correct URL (last used in October 29, 2016).

The URL changed, but I don't know the new one yet. As it is, will save empty files.

The job will generate an executable and a script inside bin folder, a folder named with the initials of aerodrome chosen (eg. SBGL) with one file for each day of the chosen period.