
QUick Interactive Scala Plots

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Quisp -- QUick Interactive Scala Plots

Quisp is a DSL for creating and manipulating interactive charts that render in a browser window, allowing you to visualize data interactively in the Scala REPL.

To use Quisp

Add to your build.sbt:

resolvers ++= Seq(
  "Sonatype Releases" at "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/"

scalaVersion := "2.11.5" // Quisp is only available for Scala 2.11 presently

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.rodneykinney" %%  "quisp" % "0.6.0"

Sample Session

From the Scala REPL (sbt console):

import quisp.Plot._

// Bring up browser window displaying simple line chart
val chart = line(1 to 100)

// Display online help

// Add title to chart.  Browser will refresh automatically
chart.title("A Linear Relationship")

// Add a second chart to the page
val chart2 = line(1 to 100, (t: Double) => math.sin(t * .04 * math.Pi))

// Remove first chart

// Set the y axis limits

// Display help for y axis settings

// Set the x axis type

// Add a second series to the chart
chart2.addSeries(1 to 100, (t: Double) => math.cos(t * .02 * math.Pi))

// Name the series

See the Wiki for more examples

Server Mode

By default, Quisp will launch a browser window to display charts. In server mode, the following commands are available:

  • undo() -- Undo last change
  • redo() -- Redo last undo
  • columns(nColumns) - Set number of columns in browser
  • refresh() -- Refresh display
  • clear() -- Remove all charts

Offline Mode

Offline mode can be entered by calling stopServer(), in which case no content will be shown in the browser.

import quisp.Plot._

// Enter offline mode

val chart = line(1 to 10)

// Get HTML page as string
val html = renderChartsToHtml()

// Get HTML for individual chart

Server Mode can be entered again by calling startServer().

Plotting implementations

Importing quisp.Plot._ will use Flot to render charts. Flot is released under the MIT license.

Importing quisp.highcharts.Plot._ will use Highcharts to produce charts with more interactivity than Flot charts. Highcharts is a commercial product, although free for non-profits and personal projects.