
FAMFAMFAM Silk icons for jQuery UI buttons.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


FAMFAMFAM Silk icons for jQuery UI buttons.


Assuming you already have jQuery and jQuery UI installed and working properly.

  1. Copy fff-silk.png to your image folder.
  2. Copy fff-silk.min.css to your CSS folder. Remember to change the image URL to suit your needs (it defaults to ../img/fff-silk.png).
  3. Add fff-silk.min.css after your jQUery UI CSS.


Your element must have the fff class in order for the icons to show up. Then you can just use jQuery UI's button function.

Icon + No Text

<button id="icon-notext" class="fff">icon-notext</button>
	text: false,
	icons: {
		primary: 'silk-icon-accept'

Icon + Text

<button id="icon-text" class="fff">icon-text</button>
	icons: {
		primary: 'silk-icon-application-home'

Icon + Text + Icon

<button id="icon-text-icon" class="fff">icon-text-icon</button>
	icons: {
		primary: 'silk-icon-user-orange',
		secondary: 'silk-icon-asterisk-orange'

Text + Icon

<button id="text-icon" class="fff">text-icon</button>
	icons: {
		secondary: 'silk-icon-wrench-orange'

Icon + Icon

<button id="icon-icon" class="fff">icon-icon</button>
	text: false,
	icons: {
		primary: 'silk-icon-cog',
		secondary: 'silk-icon-bullet-arrow-bottom'


  • Mark James - Creator of the awesome FAMFAMFAM Silk icons!
  • Dan Ryan - For inspiring me to make my own jQuery UI and FAMFAMFAM integration.