Projeto Crie um Gerenciador de Esferas do Dragon BallZ Usando ReactJS, Jest, React Testing Library e Cypress da DIO
- Typescript / Javascript
- React.js
- Tailwind CSS
- Jest (tests)
- React Testing Library (tests)
- Cypress (tests)
- Uso do Typescript ao invés do Javascript puro
- Uso do Tailwind CSS e Radix UI ao invés de bootstrap, reactstrap, rebass, theme-ui e styled-components
- Versões mais novas das tecnologias
- Tema dark e light
- Uso da biblioteca Framer Motion ao invocar Shenlong
Esta é uma aplicação para você poder invocar Shenlong, porém ela tem alguns probleminhas, e além desses probleminhas pra serem resolvidos vocês precisam adicionar testes.
Ja temos o Jest, React Testing Library e Cypress instalados. Todas essas libs são ferramentas de testes
Aqui vão alguns casos para testar porém você pode ir além:
- Testar o filtro no select para exibir todas as esferas, as esferas que eu tenho e as que eu não tenho
- Se eu tiver todas as esferas tenho que conseguir invocar o shenlong
- ... O que mais você desejar! Solte a imaginação!
React testing library:
- test address form page: should render address form
- test address form page: should fetch of cep data and fill the form
- invocation action component test: should render invocation action
- invocation action component test: should show toast if user do not have all balls
- invocation action component test: should show shenlong if user has all balls
- ball card list component test: should render ball card list
- ball card list component test: should filter my balls
- ball card list component test: should filter not founded balls
- ball card list component test: should not filter when all is selected
- ball card list component test: should open validate ball modal
- ball card list component test: should show toast if enter with invalid code
- ball card list component test: should validate ball code
- address form page e2e test: should request cep address and fill form fields
- dragon balls manager page e2e test: should filter my balls
- dragon balls manager page e2e test: should filter not founded balls
- dragon balls manager page e2e test: should no filter balls if all is selected
- dragon balls manager page e2e test: should show invalid ball code toast
- dragon balls manager page e2e test: should not invoke if user does not have 7 dragon balls
- dragon balls manager page e2e test: should invoke if user has 7 dragon balls
- theme e2e test: should has light theme
- theme e2e test: should change to dark theme
iniciando projeto: npx create-react-app dragon-ball-manager --template typescript
cypress open: npx cypress open
Para fazer este repositório funcionar você deve clonar este repositório e ter no Node.js 20 instalado
Instalar as dependências e rodar:
npm install
npm run start
Para rodar os testes com testing library
npm run test
Para rodar os testes com Cypress
npm run cy:run