
Example on how to use the Intel SGX implementation of AES-GCM

Primary LanguageMakefile


How to Build/Execute the Application

  1. Install Intel(R) SGX SDK for Linux* OS

  2. Build the project with the prepared Makefile:

    a. Hardware Mode, Debug build: $ make SGX_MODE=HW SGX_DEBUG=1

    b. Hardware Mode, Pre-release build: $ make SGX_MODE=HW SGX_PRERELEASE=1

    c. Hardware Mode, Release build: $ make SGX_MODE=HW

    d. Simulation Mode, Debug build: $ make SGX_DEBUG=1

    e. Simulation Mode, Pre-release build: $ make SGX_PRERELEASE=1

    f. Simulation Mode, Release build: $ make

  3. Execute the binary directly: $ ./cryptoTestingApp

Worklog after Fork:

Mon 4 Mar, 19

  • This version is only tested on Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 with SGX >=2.0