
Micronaut Demo Application

Primary LanguageKotlin


  1. Clone crabzilla:
git clone https://github.com/crabzilla/crabzilla
cd crabzilla
  1. Open another terminal and build it, skipping running tests:
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
  1. Now clone this demo and build it
git clone https://github.com/rodolfodpk/demo
cd demo
gradle build
  1. Now let's start the Postgres database and NATS
cd demo
docker-compose up
  1. Finally, let's run this demo application
cd demo
gradle run
  1. Then lets do a request:
wget -O- http://localhost:8080/hello


  1. NATS is running in memory, so the messages are not persistent.
  2. Since we are using an AtomicInteger to generate ids, every time you starts the application you need to recreate the database:
cd demo
docker-compose down -v
docker-compose up


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