
Generates an inserted math function graph

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It generates the graph of the given math function. Using a self-made graph "engine".

Operations you can use:

  • sqrt()
  • tan()
  • sin()
  • cos()
  • abs()
  • factorial()
  • pow()
  • pi
  • +-*/^


  • sqrt(x)
  • x^2
  • pow(x,2)
  • 2^x
  • pi^x
  • sin(2x)
  • abs(0.1x)
  • factorial(x)
  • -2x^2+3x+2
  • sqrt(cos(x+2)^sin(x^2))


  • x x
  • factorial(x) factorial
  • sin(x) sin
  • tan(x) tan
  • cos(5x * pi/180) * tan(2x) / sin(9x) sin cos tan
  • cos(5x * pi/180) * tan(2x) / sin(9x) + 0.05x^2 sin cos tan xsquared