A PHP wrapper for the WooCommerce REST API. Easily interact with the WooCommerce REST API using this wrapper class. Feedback and bug reports are appreciated.
PHP 5.2.x cURL WooCommerce 2.1 at least on the store
Generate API credentials ( Consumer Key & Consumer Secret ) on your profile page for the store you want to interact with.
A good place to start is to look at the example script included.
require_once 'class-wc-api-client.php';
$consumer_key = 'ck_fcedaba8f0fcb0fb4ae4f1211a75da72'; // Add your own Consumer Key here
$consumer_secret = 'cs_9914968ae9adafd3741c818bf6d704c7'; // Add your own Consumer Secret here
$store_url = 'http://localhost/'; // Add the home URL to the store you want to connect to here
// Initialize the class
$wc_api = new WC_API_Client( $consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $store_url );
// Get all orders
$orders = $wc_api->get_orders();
print_r( $orders );
All methods return the data json_decode()
by default so you can access the data.
get_orders( $params = array( 'status' => 'completed' ) )
get_order( $order_id )
get_order_notes( $order_id )
update_order( $order_id, $data = array( 'status' => 'processing' ) )
update_order( $order_id, $data = array( 'status' => 'processing', 'note' => 'This is a note') )
get_coupon( $coupon_id )
get_coupon_by_code( $coupon_code )
get_customers( $params = array( 'filter[created_at_min]' => '2013-12-01' ) )
get_customer( $customer_id )
get_customer_orders( $customer_id )
get_products( $params = array( 'filter[created_at_min]' => '2013-12-01' ) )
get_product( $product_id )
get_product_reviews( $product_id )
get_sales_report( $params = array( 'filter[start_date]' => '2013-12-01', 'filter[end_date]' => '2013-12-09' ) )
get_top_sellers_report( $params = array( 'filter[limit]' = '10' ) )
If you extended the WooCommerce API with your own endpoints you can use the following function to get access to that data
make_custom_endpoint_call( $endpoint, $params = array(), $method = 'GET' )
version 0.3.1 - 2014-05-02
- Fix parameter normalization issue with WC 2.1.7+
version 0.3 - 2014-02-20
- Add HTTP error messages on failed cURL calls
version 0.2 - 2014-01-22
- Add support for filters/params to endpoint functions
- Add new top sellers report endpoint function
- Add function to call custom endpoints
version 0.1 - 2013-12-10
- Initial release
Copyright (c) 2013-2014 - Gerhard Potgieter Released under the GPL3 license