
Angular UI module for working with the light-validate Library. This module provides a directive that controls properties of an html element based on a class with Light Validate mappings.


$ npm install -save light-validate
$ npm install -save light-validate-angular-ui
$ npm install -save reflect-metadata

Development and Implementation - Configuring on Angular ...

Add the 'UiLightValidateModule' on imports array of your Component's Module.

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    // angular application modules.
    // light-validate-angular-ui modules.
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

Development and Implementation - Create your LightRules ...

Create some LightRules...

import { LightRule } from 'light-validate';

export const LightRuleRequired: LightRule = async (value, target) => {
  if (!value) {
    throw 'Value must be not empty';

export const LightRuleMustBeTheSame = (property) => {
  const rule: LightRule = async (value, target) => {
    if (value === target[property]) {
      throw 'Value must be the same';
  return rule;

export const LightRuleMustNotBeTheSame = (property) => {
  const rule: LightRule = async (value, target) => {
    if (value === target[property]) {
      throw 'Value must not be the same';
  return rule;

export const LightRuleOnlyNumber: LightRule = async (value, target) => {
  if ((typeof value) !== 'number') {
    throw 'Value is not a Number';

export const LightRuleOnlyText: LightRule = async (value, target) => {
  if ((typeof value) !== 'string') {
    throw 'Value is not a Text';

Development and Implementation - Create your Mapping Class ...

Create your mapping class...

import { LightValidate } from 'light-validate';
import { LightRuleOnlyText } from './light-rule-only-text';
import { LightRuleOnlyNumber } from './light-rule-only-number';
import { LightRuleMustNotBeTheSame } from './light-rule-must-not-be-the-same';
import { LightRuleMustBeTheSame } from './light-rule-must-be-the-same';
import { LightRuleRequired } from './light-rule-required';

export class UserLightMapping {

  @LightValidate(LightRuleRequired, LightRuleOnlyText, LightRuleMustNotBeTheSame('username'))
  public name: string = undefined;

  @LightValidate(LightRuleRequired, LightRuleOnlyText, LightRuleMustNotBeTheSame('name'))
  public username: string = undefined;

  @LightValidate(LightRuleRequired, LightRuleOnlyNumber, LightRuleMustBeTheSame('confirmPassword'))
  public password: string = undefined;

  @LightValidate(LightRuleRequired, LightRuleOnlyNumber, LightRuleMustBeTheSame('password'))
  public confirmPassword: string = undefined;


Development and Implementation - Use on Component ...

Add your target mapping class to an component property

import { UserLightMapping } from 'src/mappings/user.light-mapping';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {

  public title = 'light-validate-angular-ui';

  constructor() { }

  public lightRuleMapping = UserLightMapping; // <- Mapping Class Property

  public appModel: Partial<UserLightMapping> = {}; // <- Your Data Model.
  //Here, I set my data model type to Partial <MyMappingClass> for typing purposes only, the typing code is optional, but the object to be validated must follow the interface of the target mapping class.

And call the directive on your template code

<!-- [UiLightValidate] attribute needs to bind the Mapping Class -->
<!-- UiLightProperty needs to receive the property name to be validated on directive -->
<!-- [UiLightTarget] attribute needs to bind target model to be validate on directive-->
<div style="text-align:center">
    <input type="text" placeholder="Name" [(ngModel)]="" [UiLightValidate]="lightRuleMapping"
      UiLightProperty="name" [UiLightTarget]="appModel">
    <input type="text" placeholder="Username" [(ngModel)]="appModel.username" [UiLightValidate]="lightRuleMapping"
      UiLightProperty="username" [UiLightTarget]="appModel">
    <input type="number" placeholder="Password" [(ngModel)]="appModel.password" [UiLightValidate]="lightRuleMapping"
      UiLightProperty="password" [UiLightTarget]="appModel">
    <input type="number" placeholder="Confirm Password" [(ngModel)]="appModel.confirmPassword"
      [UiLightValidate]="lightRuleMapping" UiLightProperty="confirmPassword" [UiLightTarget]="appModel">


Attribute Description Type Default
UiLightValidate Directive selector, also receives the mapping class. Object undefined
UiLightProperty Receives the property key of the target to be validated. string undefined
UiLightTarget Receives the target to be validated. Object undefined
ui-light-validate-on-blur Enables validation on the blur event of the element. boolean true
ui-light-validate-on-change Enables validation on the change event of the element. boolean true
ui-light-validate-on-keyup Enables validation on the keyup event of the element. boolean true
ui-light-validate-icon-enabled Enables the validation icon. boolean false
ui-light-validate-invalid-class Receives the name of the class that will represent the invalid state of the element. string light-invalid
ui-light-validate-valid-class Receives the name of the class that will represent the valid state of the element. string light-valid
ui-light-validate-message-class Receives the name of the label class that will represent the state of the element. string light-message