
🚀 Craft stunning Reveal.js presentations effortlessly from your Markdown files. Enhanced with CLI superpowers, enjoy features like local server setups, PDF exports, static site generation, and slide project management, all designed to streamline your workflow.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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reveal-me is a powerful command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to enhance the experience of creating, managing, and presenting slideshows with reveal.js. It simplifies the workflow for users by offering features such as live reloading, presentation serving, and more, directly from the command line.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Project Initialization (Optional)
  3. CLI Usage
  4. Configuration
  5. Presentation Management
  6. Advanced Features
  7. Troubleshooting
  8. Contributing
  9. License
  10. Acknowledgments


To get started with reveal-me, you must have Node.js installed on your machine. Once Node.js is set up, you can install reveal-me globally using npm with admin privileges (e.g. use sudo on Linux or macOS, or run the command prompt as an administrator on Windows).

npm install -g reveal-me

This makes the reveal-me command available globally.

Project Initialization (Optional)

To create a new project with reveal-me, first navigate to the directory where you want to create the project.

mkdir /path/to/my-project
cd /path/to/my-project

Then, run the reveal-me command with the -i or --init option to create a new project. It will prompt you to enter configuration details for the project, such as the project name, description, and other settings.

reveal-me --init

This will generate a new project with a default configuration file and directory structure. You can then add your presentations to the project and customize the configuration as needed.

# /path/to/my-project

└── my-project/
    ├── assets/                 # Assets directory for images, scripts, and styles
    │   ├── images/             # Use "@/images/..." in your slides to reference items in this directory
    │   ├── partials/
    │   ├── scripts/
    │   ├── styles/
    │   ├── favicon.ico
    │   ├── favicon-16x16.png
    │   ├── favicon-32x32.png
    │   └── preprocessor.js
    ├── src/                    # Source directory for presentations content
    │   └── hello-world.md
    ├── config.json
    ├── package.json
    └── README.md

Now you can start creating presentations in the src directory and use the reveal-me command to serve or build them.

reveal-me . --watch

CLI Usage


To use reveal-me, you can start with the following commands:

reveal-me <presentation> [options]
reveal-me <project> <presentation> [options]

These commands allow you to serve or build your presentations with various options for customization.


The following table outlines the options available in reveal-me:

Option Description
-v, --version Output the version number.
-i, --init Initialize a new project.
--extensions <exts> A comma-separated list of file extensions to include.
-c, --config <path> Path to the configuration file.
--project <name> Name of the project.
--git <url> Path to the git files repository of the project.
--host <host> The hostname for serving the presentation.
--port <port> The port number for the server.
--no-open Disable auto open of the presentation in the browser.
-w, --watch Enable watching file changes and live-reloading.
--base-url <url> The base URL for the presentation.
--out-dir <dir> The output directory for the build files.
--root-dir <dir> The root directory of the project.
--assets-dir <dir> The directory name for assets.
--template-path <path> Path to the template file.
--preprocessor-paths <paths> A comma-separated list of paths to preprocessor scripts.
--partial-paths <paths> A comma-separated list of paths to partial files.
--script-paths <paths> A comma-separated list of paths to script files.
--style-paths <paths> A comma-separated list of paths to style files.
--theme-paths <paths> A comma-separated list of paths to theme files.
-a, --all Build all presentations in the project without prompting.
-b, --build Trigger the build process.
-p, --print <filename> Enable printing to PDF.
--print-size <size> Specifies the paper size for the PDF print.
--puppeteer-launch <args> Custom arguments for launching Puppeteer.
--puppeteer-executable <path> Path to a custom Puppeteer executable.
-h, --help Display help for command.


reveal-me can be configured using a JSON file. By default, reveal-me looks for a file named config.json in the root directory of your project. You can also specify a different configuration file using the -c or --config option. This allows you to customize various aspects of your presentations, including the server's host and port, directories for assets and output, and paths for custom templates and styles.

Presentation Management

Creating Presentations

To create a new presentation, organize your content and assets into a directory structure. You can use Markdown or HTML for your slides, and include any necessary CSS or JavaScript files in the specified assets directory.

Building Presentations

Use the -b or --build option to compile your presentation into static files. This is useful for deploying your presentation to a web server or hosting service.

Serving Presentations

To serve a presentation locally, simply run reveal-me with the path to your presentation directory. Use the --host and --port options to specify the server configuration, and --no-open if you do not want the presentation to automatically open in your browser.

Advanced Features

Live Reloading

Enable live reloading with the -w or --watch option. This automatically refreshes your presentation in the browser when you make changes to the slides or assets.

Printing to PDF

reveal-me supports printing presentations to PDF. Use the -p or --print option, followed optionally by the filename for the PDF. Customize the print size with --print-size.

Custom Templates and Themes

Customize your presentation with custom templates and themes by specifying paths to your HTML template, CSS stylesheets, and JavaScript files using the respective options.


If you encounter issues while using reveal-me, verify your configuration and command-line options. Ensure that all paths are correct and that you have the necessary permissions to read from and write to the specified directories.


Contributions to reveal-me are welcome! Please refer to the project's GitHub repository guidelines on contributing and submitting pull requests.


reveal-me is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project repository for more information.


reveal-me builds upon the foundation of reveal.js and inspired from reveal-md, extending its capabilities for an improved user experience. Special thanks to the creators and contributors of reveal.js projects for their innovative work in the field of presentation software.