The changelogs for this Client can be found in the
This repository aims to provide examples on how to consume a RESTFul API using VueJS.
The following technologies and packages are used in this project:
- Node
- Axios
- Vue
- Vuex
- Vue-Router
- bootstrap-vue
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- Travis-CI
In order to build this project you'll need the latest version of npm
, which comes with Node
After installing npm
you can use the command npm install -g @vue/cli
to install the Vue CLI.
For production and staging environments check out the docker-compose.yml
Use the command npm install
to install all the dependencies.
Use the command npm run lint
to lint all the files in the project.
Use the command npm run serve
to build and run a developement server with Hot Reload.
Use the command npm run build
to build and create a distributable for production environments.
Use the command npm run test
to run the unit tests.
Use the command vue ui
to open up a Gui for managing the project.
Run the docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml
to run a local API Playground API for development.
Run the docker-compose -f docker-compose.stage.yml
to run a local API and a local Client.
If you find a bug or wish to make a suggestion feel free to open a new Issue.