
A really, really, simple HTTP PyPI-like server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This is a really, really, simple HTTP PyPI-like server.

It is intended to be used for companies or organizations that need a private

It literally supports four functions:

    - Allows uploading of packages
    - Downloading by package (or package and version)
    - A / page that is navigatable with a web browser
    - /pypi/ listing

It does not support:

    - Stopping you from overwriting a package with the same name / version
    - Registering packages
    - Any sort of ACLs

To use it run "simplepypi". You can upload packages by:

    - Modify your ~/.pypirc so it looks like:

        index-servers =

        username: <whatever>
        password: <doesn't matter, see above>


    - Running this on the setup.py of your favorite package:

        python setup.py sdist upload -r local

    - Then, when you want to install packages from it you do:

        pip install -i <your favorite package>

And that's it!