El objetivo de la práctica es definir e implementar una estructura base de aplicación aplicando un diseño coherente creando una nueva aplicación llamada AvengersApp
- Asentar las bases de la programacion iOS
- Conocer e impletar UIKIT
- Maniupular Assets
- Navigation Contoller
- TabBar Controller
- Tap Gesture Recognizer
- Animation
- CollectionView
- CollectionViewCell
- CollectionView delegate y data souce
- Componetes de UIKit
- Camera Picker
- Ficheros NIB
- Launch screen
- Guardar las photos en memoria y utilizarlas para el data source del CollectionView
- Implentar otros patrones de codigo
The goal of this exercise is to define and to implement a base structure of an app by applying a minimun design in a brand new app called AvengersApp
- Reinforce the bases of iOS Development
- Get a bases and beyond on UIKIT
- How to prepare app's assets to work with
- Navigation Contoller
- TabBar Controller
- Tap Gesture Recognizer
- Animation
- CollectionView
- CollectionViewCell
- CollectionView delegate y data souce
- UIKit Componets
- Camera Picker
- NIB Files
- Launch screen
- Save taken photos on memory to use later on CollectionView data souce
- Implement new code patterns to optimizate
Este es un proyecto de puesta en practica del BootCamp Full Stack Mobile de KeepCoding. No representa ningun beneficion comercial.
This is a learning project from KeepCoding Full Stack Mobile BootCamp. For this project there no commercial benefits