About It is a collection of sample projects designed to explore and demonstrate the use of the Combine framework in iOS application development with SwiftUI. Each sub-project within this repository focuses on a specific Combine use case, from fetching data from an API to implementing reactive functionality in user interfaces with SwiftUI.
This app demonstrates how to easily make a request to an endpoint and parse the response into a local data model. For the View itself it is used a simple list and with a "CharacterRow" that uses AsyncImage to load image dynamically. | |
This app demonstrates how to validate a form vie Combine. It uses @Publishers and the Combine operator CombineLatest. The view itself just updates when user taps a correct email and password | |
This app demonstrates how to create create simple functional app by using only few @Publishers and how powerful Combine is. It is true that theres no "Combine impor" for this app because in Combine, @Published is a property attribute that automatically announces changes so that the SwiftUI UI can update views that depend on this data. When you mark an ObservableObject property with @Published, you are creating a publisher. | |
The app
itself is very simple. It makes a request, loads a list and you can navigate to see the detail of the selected item in the list. However the highlight here is that I have implemented a cache class based on Apple's NSCache.This class is the evolution of a previous project. There are still functionalities to implement like self-cleaning or self-checking in regarding to expiration times. Inspiration from Apple Previous project that create a need for change |
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